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Project #Nice2MeetYou

One of my final projects as CEO for One Month in Adecco Portugal is #Nice2MeetYou. An initiative that promotes collaboration and teamwork by letting the colleagues to know each other better, either to know who to reach regarding a professional topic or find a common interest/passion/hobbie that they might have in common.

Asking them what are their roles inside and outside of Adecco, what they like more about working there and which word would they choose to describe Adecco, was an insightful way that made understood something about this HR world leader: the success of The Adecco Group has to do with its people that give meaning to the company.

It was a pleasure to be part of this program in Portugal and this is my way to say thank you 😊



©2018 by Sara Sustelo Santos |   CEO for One Month of Adecco Portugal 2018

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