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Learnings from the GAPs Meetings (a.k.a. trimestral results meetings)

In this post I bring you key learnings from the four GAP Meetings where I was present with the respective Directors of each unit and their Area Managers.

#1 The tactics change according to the moment of the market. The strategy does not change so much.

#2 If a company wants to increase in size and reach more it has to increase market share and this means acquire new customers.

#3 Although the existing clients have potential to grow, that potential is limited because inside a Group, there's a limited number of brands. It's the new clients that create more potential to grow in the future.

#4 Sometimes hiring more people because there's a lot of work to do it's not the best option. Having the right people, pay them well, and having added value is the more important. It's not about the number but the quality of our workforce.

#5 The collaboration between areas and department is one of the most important factors for success. The sinergies that can be build have a lot of potential.

#6 It's not just about the what, it's about the what and how together! What are you going to do and How?

#7 It's important to know what is growing in terms of price and in terms of quantity.


©2018 by Sara Sustelo Santos |   CEO for One Month of Adecco Portugal 2018

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