Starting this website had its reasons: my CEO for One Month experience has started. 47 CEO for One Month were selected among 200.000 applicants. I will represent Portugal and shadow the job of Carla Rebelo, the CEO of Adecco Portugal, starting in 1st of July.
Have you ever heard about the butterfly-effect? A small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. Meaning that: 1 month can have a tremendous effect in the long-term, even if it's just one month. And that's why I'll try my best to make it as fulfilling as possible.
The Adecco Group created Adecco Way to Work™ programme to offer a unique opportunity to young people get a taste of how it is to be a *CEO for One Month* of a multinational company. From the 47 CEOs for One Month, the top 10 will be selected for a bootcamp and one will be the *Global CEO for One Month*.