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#TALKS, 3 different perspectives

I bring you here three different conversations I had with people in Adecco Portugal, each one different from the other. Every single person I've spoken with had something to teach. In order to learn, we need to stop talking, be (pro)active listeners, observers and ask the questions we think are relevant.


When being in a management position, one has to leave the train of specialization, start being in the management side and lead teams. For that reason, a manager has to be surrounded by the right people and tools to make the right decisions. Focus on people and dedicate time to them. Sometimes one even misses the more technical part of the job.


To reach a high position you need to first do your job in the best way possible. "I started to sell tickets in a company and end up being the Director of Operations of that. How? Every time I did my job I act like it was the most important thing." A good management style has to be related with focusing in increasing our position in the market, which means pressure from KPIs and numbers. However, one should never loose focus on people. Being completely dedicated and available to them, making sure they know that even if it means that they will call you at 1AM saying they broke their feet during work. All this, with being assertive and always giving feedback.

"Recruitment should be humanized, it's all about people".


"I love my job". Human Resources is about taking care of someone's life and being/feeling responsible for it. After health, your future job is the most important thing. It will define who you will meet (maybe your future husband or wife), which school will your kids go, the location of your future house, and many other things can be dependent on that. There's a study that says the majority of people gets married with someone that works in the same area/industry.

#TALKS is a new category about conversations I have with people working in Adecco Portugal, that are worth to be shared.



©2018 by Sara Sustelo Santos |   CEO for One Month of Adecco Portugal 2018

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