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Recruiting in the digital-age

What is the origin of the verb recruit?

In Latin it means "grow again". Sometimes we need to go back to the past and find the origins and how it all started to then re-think and adapt to the new reality.

Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

- George Santayana

How does recruiting looks like in the digital-age?

The days of hanging out a piece of paper, also-known-as CV and consider it as the only source of information, are over. Nowadays, the collection of DATA comes from multiple sources.

56% of companies have already reshaped their HR programs

Deloitte ("Global Human Capital Trends, 2017)

The main trends in a digital world are technology-driven:

New interview tools (Chabots and video assessment), Artificial Intelligence for manual tasks improving efficiency, DATA Analytics to improve speed of the process and identify candidates, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to create experiences for candidates or to test skills in a simulated 3D environment and Blockchain technology to verify CV’s or Intelligent Profiles.

Other trends include:

Regulation regarding data protection (GDPR), Diversity in terms of age, gender, cultural background, thoughts, impacting how companies hire, the growth of a gig economy (Self-employment is an aspirational goal for over 50% of the workforce), a customer-centricity mindset with easy-to-use focus and the explosion of anonymous feedback tools that brings salary transparency to the table.


©2018 by Sara Sustelo Santos |   CEO for One Month of Adecco Portugal 2018

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